

Sunrise, without a doubt, is one of the most stunning and peaceful times of the day.For me, it has no equal.

An elegant moment where the darkness recedes and is replaced with the gift of warm light dancing on the horizon.

I have witnessed many sunrises in numerous locations, and the breathless wonder I experience never seems to cease.

Yet, the moment I love and indulge in most is the moment when the shadows of life are in perfect balance and harmony with the light of life.

There is something so special about this exact moment in time that almost leaves me unable to focus—lost in the mesmerising notion that there can be no light without the darkness.

For me, life is at its most exciting when tip-toeing between the light and dark, when exploring the bad in the good, and questioning what is good in the bad.

It's this delicate balance of life that enthrals me most, enabling us to evolve, to learn, to love, to live freely, precisely as we wish. 

Today's sunrise was unique.

Just as memorable as yesterday's and just as extraordinary as tomorrow's will be.

Some say you only live once, but I doubt that is true.

I believe you only die once and get to live every day.



