Leaving The Platform

Leaving The Platform.jpg

You’re leaving me.

I need to know why; I need to understand.

Yet, I get the feeling that this may never be possible.

If I am the problem, then I am also the answer.

I have changed, but you seem the same.

I now live expecting nothing from you, yet I was not kind enough to afford myself the same respect. 

You watched, broken-hearted, tears flowing down your cheeks as my expectations of myself slowly and painfully tore me to pieces.

How could I be so generous to you and so punishing to me?


You’re moving forward; you’re moving on, leaving behind a man that failed to move. 

I am hurt but not angry.

I understand but am confused.

I am okay but broken.

Travel safely; I hope to see you again but expect I won’t.


Flying Low


The Last Breathe