

I sometimes find myself questioning my motivations. Am I truly doing what I want, for the reasons I voice aloud? Or am I living an existence of illusion for my EGO, for adulation, for significance?

The truth is that the answer to this simple question can only be found at the end of an interesting story.

A story that begins with the simple acknowledgment that I am grateful for my EGO. It has brought me a long way on this journey that continues to unfold. It has given me the courage I needed to take risks that have led to this point. My ego has supported me as I have explored myself, growing without a plan or firm destination, and when faced with failure, my ego has enabled me to get up and try again.

When it comes to my ego, I have a lot to be grateful for. But the downside of the upside is that I know behind every positive can be a negative lying in wait.

Have you ever stopped to consider that your self-belief, your ego, your driving force, the single element that allowed you to achieve beyond your wildest dreams, is now the very thing that is holding you exactly where you don't want to be?. The same force stops you from moving forward, from evolving, from the pure joy of chasing your dreams. 

It can be a confronting thought that this force that lies at the root of your greatest success may also be the very force holding you firm in a place that no longer serves you, stealing the future you so desire. 

It served a purpose at the time, but just maybe your very worth has become intertwined with your ego. It just may be time to let it go and move forward, free from the augmented image of yourself that is now baggage, which stopped serving you long ago.

It seems to be a common yet embraced misconception. That your value to the world, society, that your so-called worth is, is what you have become in terms of a professional title. This emotion serves you; it makes you feel good, it makes you feel appreciated, it makes you feel like you have something to give, but most of all, it makes you feel as if you belong to a system that values you. 

The truth is, it makes you feel significant. 

Naturally, the thought of leaving all of your success behind and heading in a new direction can seem somewhat terrifying. As we know, your body will do all it can to protect you from what it believes is approaching danger or something new it is yet to understand.  

Your ego will join this growing party of fear, and before you have even had the chance to visualise a life lived differently, you have already decided that the life you have created is the life you truly desire.

Yet while you can temporarily suppress the truth, it will always find a way to surface; and every time it does, it will rise with new strength. 

To let go of who you believe you are is one of the most significant challenges we face in life. Not all risks pay off, not all chances taken are successful, and not all roads traveled lead to a better destination. 

But if you don't take steps to move forward, you will remain exactly where you are, this may be enough for you, but then again, it may not feel like the perfect fit.

To live a life where you can be honest with yourself and acknowledge that your much-loved ego is now holding you in a place that no longer serves you. That it is controlling you, to the point where you won't try new things for fear of failure. Well, let's admit, this is not a life lived to its fullest. 

A simple example of this very point is listening to your conscious mind, which is always searching for validation and safety. If we buy into this internal conversation, we will quickly find ourselves living a risk-free life, not trying anything new. A place where fear and ego now rule our future destiny, our future happiness.

Yet if we can jettison this powerful part of ourselves and face the world and its many challenges. If we can become free to embrace the unknown, to embrace being wrong, being vulnerable, being a failure, then we may achieve precisely what we have always desired.

Is your ego serving you and your desires?




An Adventurous Life