

At this very moment, we are parted by our choosing. What is right for you in this very instant is not what I need and the same is true for me.

In many ways, we share a trust that allows us to remain connected yet experience the freedom needed to chase our unique dreams. Grow in different directions knowing that we are indeed connected by the distance we both feel.

I think of you several times a day, typically when it’s quiet or when I am struggling. I feel your presence in the actions I take; I listen to you, learn from you, knowing that you are stronger and wiser than perhaps I ever will be.

I am not a big believer in soul mates and all the other names they give to people who invest in being together. But for me, you are a shining light, a guide towards calm, a reality I embrace. 

As I write, you are nowhere to be seen but you are everywhere you need to be. I feel you, my special soul, and even though we are parted by distance, I know we are together.


Walk The Rim


Standing Alone