

We built this intentionally, but do we like it?

At face value, this is the dream. An anonymous existence accepted by all. Proud ownership of possessions, exhibiting our success and importance; surrounded by protective walls to exclude those we have been taught to fear most.

The walls we have constructed around us are far more than physical. I believe that our mental and emotional walls are far more damaging than our collective can conceive. 

All of these walls, both physical and emotional, are in many ways designed to unite us. But in the end, the only thing that seems to unite us is the things we agree on, which divides us deeply.

This might sound a little extreme but consider it just for a moment. Two people unite around a concept they both believe in, which is great until a third person arrives and presents a different perspective. 

You can almost guarantee in this moment, that the first two people will banish the new opinion. The amusing thing is that all of these opinions have been formed by personal experience.They can not be wrong or right; they are just experiences.

Being united by what divides us is a sad and pointless way to exist. How can we ever expect to learn off each other if we can’t tear down the walls of so-called protection. Or just fracture them enough to listen without judgment, to hear without bias, to acknowledge that there may be another way.

This simple concept becomes a steroid-enhanced monster when the same principles are taken online. Many of us have the potential to become keyboard warriors, shouting out our isolated and sometimes intentionally provocative views, surrounded by the walls of anonymous safety. 

While the program running in the background finds like-minded people for you to befriend. Forever deepening and supporting the beliefs that were just your opinions but have somehow become your essence. An essence that is now worth fighting for, worth putting up unscalable walls for.

The stake in the ground that is your opinion is welcomely supported and therefore must be right. Yet if we decide to lower our defences, break through the wall of self protection and listen to others perspectives we may find that the stake in the ground is no longer worth defending.  

Be careful with your thoughts; we may be unknowingly supporting a system that encourages us to be united by what divides us. Encourages us to live in fear behind the walls of success, not ever really knowing the beauty that lies beyond.


A Short Walk To Freedom


So Small - So Big