A Short Walk To Freedom


The freedom of my mind can be a dangerous double-edged sword.

It feels like a beacon for my truth,  what needs to be said,  what needs to be done. However, my harsh assessment of reality can seem somewhat overwhelming for others, verging on downright offensive. 

At times I can sit alone with my thoughts; they are enough to amuse me as they drift through my conscious one by one, breaking down the barriers that just moments before seem insurmountable. 

Yet, in a heartbeat, these mildly playful moments can strike like a viper's bite, designed to prove a point beyond question.

I happily explore both sides of my mind, some might suggest I actually indulge in its contrast, yet without both sides of the sword, I can only see a limited view of reality. A vision that can appear as painful as the vipers bite.

I find it hard to conform to many popular beliefs, as it appears as a way of life designed to ensure that thought and, in many ways, expression is suppressed. 

Instead, I explore all that is good and bad as I find them both powerfully attractive. Simply because the truth of most matters seems to lie somewhere in the grey areas, and if you only allow yourself to see one side of any situation, you might as well become a politician.

When all this thinking starts to feel too heavy and I seem to be offending more people than normal, I know it is time to take a short walk to freedom.

A physical action that gets me out of my head, leading me to you. A place where the time spent together feels profoundly intimate, beyond anything I have experienced in the physical world. 

You hear my thoughts, free from judgment. You accept both the light and dark, understanding that both are needed for the other to exist. 

You are beyond balanced as we understand it and your simple acceptance guides me towards my truth.



