Space To Consider
The world seems ever smaller, ever more so-called connected, ever alive with the deafening and constant stream of advice. You know the kind of advice I am talking about, we experience it every day.
Live like me, think like me, be like me, buy me. I don’t care for this message as it is a message born from the dark space we all hide deep within our souls. It is a message inspired by fear, delivered to the fearful.
The real issue with this constant bombardment of our fragile systems is that the message, which is supposedly designed to inspire us to betterment, is simply an ugly reminder of what we apparently do not have, of who we are not, and in the worse cases of what we may never be.
I find this heartbreaking, and in other ways, I find it just another example of so-called modern marketing. Yet the fact remains selling your skills in this manner is unskilled; copying another who does this may even mean you have forgotten your actual value and are now bowing at the altar of fame, popularity, and so-called success.
Don’t be seduced into believing you need something that will fix a non-existent issue. Don’t believe that buying something that triggers fear in you will change your life.
Instead, move slowly, be kind to yourself, laugh at your mistakes, learn from them, but learn your lessons your way. I know we all have fear, but I also know that we can be far more than we ever thought possible. All we have to do is stop listening and searching for external quick-fix answers.
The answers we seek will find us when we are ready to greet them.