Nothing To Be Said
The sound of gas igniting bathes the pre-dawn gloom with warm light, dancing across an unseen yet vivid landscape soon to be exposed.
Nervous chatter drifts on the winds, and expectations are high but history has taught me that as soon as you lift off, your destination is largely out of your hands.
This simple act reminds me that we are all driven by faith. A faith the can and often does remain unspoken, radiating from deep within your soul, emerging as a personal guide.
A faith that takes you on adventures gives you the strength to try again, lets you believe that next time things will be better. Maybe it's just the human spirit but perhaps it's faith in yourself?
We rise slowly, gently drifting skywards, constantly changing our view of where we have been, where we are heading, and then it happens - silence. The moment I love most in life, the moment when the experience can no longer be described, it can only be felt.
Looking down from high above ignites a freedom that seems to be rarely felt but is desperately needed. Being free in the moment to float on the breeze, free from the worries, free from the regrets of the past and the hopes of the future.