Irrelevant Relevance
Relevance, perspective, expectations seem to all be one of a kind. A virtual minefield laid out before you, waiting in silence for one wrong move. A move that is essentially inevitable as we journey through the maze of life’s ever-changing landscape.
But why did we design an existence that seems to be a rapid descent to average, to the lowest common denominator for all to feel what we have crowned inclusive?
When did we start to single out different as undesirable? When did the search for relevance start guiding us to what appears to be acceptable corporate thoughts, deemed to be palatable to the majority looking for relevance through kind?
When did relevance make us irrelevant? A simple question that burns deep, as I see its answer having untold effects on our future.
Our search for approval and relevance seems to have lead us to the shaky ground of an agreed path forward. Yet if you veer off the path, show signs of unique thinking, you run the risk of losing your right to drink with the masses from the cup of designated relevance.
How can you possibly be relevant if your thoughts are not perfectly aligned with what has been deemed as correct?
I worry that our search for acceptable relevance can only lead to a marginalised world where the unpopular truth will be used as a hammer of punishment, ensuring what is perceived as acceptability.
A world where the average will be applauded as unique. A world where you will cease to communicate for fear of being seen for what you are.
A unique individual.