Leading Nowhere

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I am tired.

I’m so tired of the knuckle bleeding, bone-breaking fight against a reality I still fail to understand.

I feel like I am standing at a crossroad yet only have three choices. The left, the right and the centre, as where I have come from no longer holds any appeal.

Yet, the endless question I ponder is which direction is the right path for me. The struggle I face may mimic yours. All the paths I choose seem to lead to the same place, where I am greeted by a slightly different tainted view of the same experiences, but in essence it always feels strangely familiar.

I don’t see this as a result of the path. Instead, I believe it is a weakness of the mind and soul. A strangely powerful beast that seems hellbent on holding me exactly where I am.

Or is this observation just another self-deluded justification keeping me so-called safe? Sparing me from the failure I may experience if I left everything behind, let go and walked through the door with open arms to whatever was waiting to greet me.

The very thought of that lives inside me as a rich contrast. It is both the most exciting thing I have ever experienced and the most fear-inducing concept I have ever considered.

I believe that the simple truth is that who I believe me to be is still deeply intertwined with what my thoughts believe I am; and do. Even when the harsh reality is that what I did and continue to do hold very little joy.

Am I choosing the pain and suffering of knowing over the perceived risk of freedom, of letting go, of having no excuses? 

So the question remains. Left, right, or centre?


No Vacancy


Irrelevant Relevance