What Will Become Of Us
Let's be honest for just a moment, as it is the easiest way to say what's on my mind.
This beautiful girl, sitting in her doorway, is a picture of youth. She is eating her breakfast, watching the world pass by, seemingly without a care in the world.
Yet beyond her doorway lies an unseen truth, or should I say an ignored reality. You see her home; the beautiful Kalimantan rain forest is under siege. A siege that appears to have no end in sight.
All of our thoughtless needs are the main problem here. Ruthless companies destroy the pristine rain forest, replacing it with a mono-crop Palm Oil plantation, enabling us to fuel our desires for cheap disposable products destined for landfill sites.
Yes, her home is being decimated.
Immense areas of untouched rainforest are being felled, burnt, destroyed so that we can have things we don't need so that others can make money. The forest being destroyed on a daily basis will never grow back, and with every area we destroy, we lose something unique as no two areas of rainforest are the same, similar to our DNA.
I know you have all heard this story many times before, and I know that you want to help but don't know where to start; I understand. But know that we can all make a difference by just refusing to use the products that are destroying this young girl's home, community, and future.
The right to choose what we buy is a privilege of wealth and security. The people that this issue affects most don't have that privilege, but some of us do.
To the young girl sitting in the doorway. I hope your future holds all the possibilities that I was granted. I hope you are allowed to dream and live as you wish, and I hope you remain innocent for as long as you can. I will do all I can, but sadly I can not do this alone.
It will take action from us all.