Many Miles

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The journey was exciting; it always is.

I undertook the challenge to live outside my comfort zone. This challenge leads to new life experiences, which unearthed new realisations and let me discovered yet another piece of my complicated self.

Yet like many, when I come home, I still feel the weight of what I was running from. This ever-present feeling made me question that although what I just experienced was genuinely unique, my home, the place where I keep my thoughts, feelings, pain, and joy of everyday life, is also unique.

Yet, I had never invested the time nor been gracious enough to say thank you for my humble home that sheltered me from the storms of life. 

I had to take a journey, one that I have made many times, before coming home to discover the ever-present truth. A humbling reality, which until that moment had remained largely unseen.

My simple life, my humble home, is more than most will ever experience; and, in truth, is far more than I will ever need.


Just Me & You


I Remember