

Our truth is just that.

It's an experience of life that has led to a set of self-imposed rules governing how we see everything and treat everyone.

But our truths, the unexplored rules, guides, morals, could be far more limiting then beneficial.

Just like you, there was a time where my experience of life lead to closely held beliefs. Beliefs that served me well protected me from all I feared. Yet slowly but surely, it began to dawn on me that the same set of beliefs were, in fact, holding me back.

How could I ever learn anything when I had already had a life experience that helped garnish an uninformed opinion about all that existed?

A moment of quiet reflection revealed a confronting truth. Everything I know to be accurate was, in fact, laced with the stories of the past. It quickly became clear that the loving people that had taught me these life lessons were also affected; and, in many ways, were an unknowing hostage to their stories of the past. 

I concluded that all I believed was tainted, with multiple stories that bared no relevance to my current existence, to my now. 

Everything I believed was a watered-down story of others fears. A confronting truth that was hard to face, even harder to understand and shift.

I mean, the same rules and beliefs that had made my life a so-called success now had to be questioned. The foundation that I built everything upon began to look very unstable. 

Fear rose quickly, for who was I if what I believed was not my own beliefs? What kind of man can travel through life not questioning the systems and agreed beliefs? A system that keeps us all moving forward, void of unique perception; good citizens of the collective path.

Who was I when I had my own thoughts, my own belief system; when I lived a life that was true to me? A life where every thought, action, and reaction was mine to own, mine to embrace?

Who was I when the stories of others were seen for their truth? When my stories were seen for their truth?

Who was I when I decided to believe in myself? When I decided to question boldly, think bravely and live beyond what suggested was possible?

Who are you?




For A Friend