Upon Return


When I finally return home, I always find myself asking a similar question. What remains of all you felt, experienced, loved?

How can you hold onto what at the time feels like the most powerful energy you’ve ever experienced. While constantly pushing away the looming reality of how to return to an existence you are meant to adore, knowing that what you genuinely love is elsewhere. 

How do you fall back into line, back into a world that at times feels more like a self-deluded petrie dish of all that is.

Is it possible to stay connected while navigating the grey, bland walkway of acceptance? Is it possible to exist simultaneously forever? Or is this just the falsehood that pining people tell themselves to survive another day?

To achieve this balance is my dream, my concept of life lived well. Yet as tirelessly as I stride towards it, the truth is that it still appears like a barely visible oasis on the distant horizon. 

Yet like everything in life that is worth chasing, the horizon appears closer with every step I take to what I desire, to who I really am.

It’s okay to move slowly, it’s okay to run fast, and it’s okay to feel fear. Just ensure that you are moving towards a destiny of your design, as difficult as that concept may sometimes seem. 


Moving Through


Storm Clouds