Endless Moss

Endless Moss.jpg

It takes time, perseverance, and a little bit of hard work to create what you desire. This stunning landscape embodies all that and far more.

Yet, in many ways, this simple honesty has been manipulated by humanity's progress, to the point where we strangely believe that whatever we desire should be able to be achieved in the shortest period and without any real sacrifice. 

It's a lovely concept but a flawed one that we all seem to have invested in. If you take a moment to consider all the inspiring people you admire, take the time to listen to their stories and investigate their past. I'd suggest that you will find they all worked damn hard to achieve their dreams.

On the day I took this photo, my dream was simple. Enjoy the moment and see if I could take a picture that did this stunning Iceland landscape justice. The goal was simple, yet reaching it took a lot of hard work and a little luck.

It took me years to obtain the skill set I needed to make this trip and bring this image to life. Whether the picture does the landscape justice is not the point. The outcome is almost irrelevant, as it is always the journey that remains with me long after the moment fades.

If we are always rushing to a destination, to be good enough, qualified enough, we will miss the beauty of every step. For me, life's grand journey has always been about stories, and for better or for worse, I have tried my best with the skills I have acquired to tell them honestly.

Don't rush to the end goal. Take your time, master the skills that make you feel alive, that allow you to communicate beyond words through emotive actions. Try to appreciate that you may never reach the final destination you imagined because the one you have arrived at may be perfect for you.

For me, I know I would be a better photographer and writer years after I pass. But I made peace with this concept because that's just the way the journey goes.


Sunrise Surprise

