Fading Light
As the light slips away, leaving only faint traces of what could be, I stand and search for all the things I can not see.
In the depths of this void, I still search. Yet my view seems smeared by all that has passed; you have gone, and with it, my hope.
Such are the endless crushing blows that life can deliver. A series of impacts that are not visible to all but a series of eruptions that erode your will, your understanding, your energy to continue facing the same opponent. An adversity of insurmountable strength, of unstoppable momentum and heartless intent.
The music seems to have stopped. I was not told it was happening. As the notes drift into the distance, I feel engulfed by the deafening silence left in its wake.
It’s lonely here, just me, just my thoughts. It’s dark and there are no guides to help, just me, just my thoughts.
The atmosphere feels thick, damp. Time has become slow, become irrelevant; I am here alone, just me, just my thoughts.
Looking forward, staring into a void that offers no answers, a future that suggests no hope, a reality with just me, just my thoughts.