Dress Up
We all share a secret; we all know we share it, we just never speak of it. Like an unspoken rule, a knowing that is ignored, an unfulfilled right, a light we turn our backs to and a gift that seems wasted unless exercised.
We all share a secret, a simple quest to escape the reality we were taught, inherited, and embodied. A reality that can define ourselves, an anchor that locks us to circumstance, a set of habits, a predictable outcome we feel powerless to influence.
When did we decide that every tomorrow needs to mirror all our yesterdays? When did we settle for being anonymous, fitting in, and contributing less than our full potential?
When did we decide that not being seen is the safest way forward?
We may not all be extroverts, needing to share every thought, every detail of our lives, rotating as the centre of attention for the world to gather around. Yet I know we all have a unique voice, vital for balance, necessary for the greater good.
Never hide who you are for fear of being seen; your gifts were granted for all to see, to share modestly, to change the everyday reality by kindly touching the soul of those who are listening.