My Peace

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Is what I desire just over there?

Or is just over there, keeping me from what I desire?

Signs of success can arrive at our doorstep in many forms, guises, and disguises. Yet they always arrive, presenting many rewards and hiding many wounds.

A sports car, a bottle of champagne, an exclusive cigar. An expensive dress, a big ring accompanied by a limited-edition handbag.

Signs of success, or at least what it's designed to look like. Anyone who sees this will know you're seemingly successful. That is the concept, right? 

The outward perception of success above all else!!!

Yet if any of this were true, would we need the signs at all? Or is it possible that the signs we have been seemingly programmed to seek and display are, in fact, clues to something very different?

Here is a simple question.

Can you sit with your thoughts and feel joy; is this success?

Can you smile at something that passes yet brings you no direct benefit apart from the simple smile; is this success? Can you own the parts of you that are not perfect; is this success? Can you admire a friend, a colleague, a competitor for their achievements; is this success?

The concept of success has become a twisted evolution of a straightforward idea, that if not appreciated, can lead to a dark reality where the desire for what you don't need and, in many cases, don't want controls your thoughts and actions. 

When the desire to be seen as successful becomes more important than doing what you love, stop, listen, hear, and experience. Then sadly, your desire to be successful may remain an elusive dream destined to the horizon.

Success can be anything to anyone, yet I believe that success is perceived as a one-dimensional concept in our fast-paced, distracted world.

Once the sports car has lost its lustre, will you still feel successful?

Once the cigar burns out, will you still feel successful?

Once the designer dress is last year's trend, will you still feel successful?

Once the big ring reveals a different reality, will you still feel successful?

If your success looks different to the person standing next to you, if your success feels different to the masses, then congratulations. You are moving towards your very own success.

It may not be understood, appreciated, or even desired by all. But that does not mean your concept of success is wrong; it's just yours.

The dreams of others are there's to chase, and if you find yourself wondering, questioning, and seeking your own dreams, then your own ultimate success may just be waiting over the horizon.


Wisdom Lost Wisdom Found


It Starts with You