My name is Jon Gwyther, and right from the start, we need to get one thing straight. I don't consider myself a classically trained Photographer or Writer obsessed with accolades and popularity. Instead, I believe myself more of a curious mind with a determined attitude who's been lucky enough to learn from those willing enough to share.
Thank you.
In recent times it has dawned on me that the world and my life experiences have been amongst my finest teachers. In many ways, they have taught me to quietly observe our shared reality through a sharpened gaze. Allowing me to experience my truth in every situation.
This compelling view planted long ago became the seeds of sharing. It was always going to be a slow process, as I took my first steps into a world where I had no distinct view of how the future would appear.
I had no idea if what I saw and felt was worthy of sharing. But deep down, I knew the day would come, where my unique view of reality, captured through compelling photography and accompanied by written observations, would yearn to emerge.
That day did arrive, and the results are the images and stories found on this website.
I hope you enjoy the pages that follow, both the images that are very dear to me and the stories, memories, and lessons, which I have been privileged enough to experience and learn from along the way.
This site is my view of the world we share and experience together. Therefore it can not be right or wrong as it is just my view, my stories, my experiences.
The images that grace the following pages have not been selected for their beauty, perfect composition, or anything else photography-related.
The images have been selected because they all share three personal meanings.
They talk to me.
They move me.
They connect me.
I hope you enjoy this journey.
Jon Gwyther.